Browsing by Subject Cost structure

Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
2015Facilitating green building adoption: an optimization based decision support tool-Roychowdhury, Debjyoti ; Murthy, Rajluxmi V ; Jose, P D 21p.
2012Facilitating green building adoption: An optimization based decision support tool-Roychowdhury, Debjyoti ; Murthy, Rajluxmi V ; Jose, P D 
1996Market entry strategy for upmarket writing instruments; Titan Industries Limited-Ram Prasad, S 
2003Pricing models in the telecom industry-Chakraborty, Biplab ; Das, Subhasis 
2008Rethinking the BOP: new models for the New Millennium; academic perspective.-Jose, P D IIMB Management ReviewVol.20Iss.2198-202p.
2003Savings opportunity in FPLC India and Philippines; Procter and Gamble-Jain, Piyush 
2003Towards more efficiency: Coca Cola C&F agents; Punjabi Bagh Depot-Sounak, Chatterjee 
2011UID project : Cost benefit analysis and beyond-Kelaginmani, Anand ; Maheshwari, Mohit 31p.
2001Vending channel strategy – offices; Hindustan Lever Limited-Turra, Mohammed ; Seth, Ritu ; Jayabalan, Sreekanth