Browsing by Subject Industrial relations

Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
2004A transaction-based neighbourhood-driven approach to quantifying interestingness of association rules-Shekar, B ; Natarajan, Rajesh 194-201p.
1991Beyond multinationalism by Banaji Kairus and Rohini Hensman, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1990, 234p.-Sampangiramaiah, S IIMB Management ReviewVol.6Iss.1-2176-178p.
1981Communications and discussions: a review of the research findings on absenteeism-Bhatia, S K ; Valecha, G K Indian Journal of Industrial relations and human resourcesVol.17Iss.2279-285p.
1983Development of case studies in industrial relations; National Thermal Power Corporation, Badarpur-Navneetha, Chatterjee 119p.
1992Industrial relations in India: An overview-Patil, B R 48p.
2004Ramifications of regional trade blocs - a political economy perspective-Gautam, Saurabh Kumar ; Jethwani, Sandeep M 
1988Role played by personnel officers in major departments and their influence in problem solving/improving, communication/discipline etc.; Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited, Jamshedpur-Dighe, Rashmi 60p.