Browsing by Subject Perceived risk

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
2000Casual models of consumer intention to use the world wide web as a shopping channel-Sharma, Yogesh Kumar 187p.
2021Is the convenience worth the risk? An investigation of mobile payment usage-Pal, Abhipsa ; Herath, Tejaswini ; De, Rahul ; Rao, H. Raghav Information Systems FrontiersVol.23941-961p.
2023The impact of scarcity cues on purchase likelihood of art-infused products-Gupta, Mansi ; Das, Gopal ; Septianto, Felix ; Hagtvedt, Henrik Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science