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Chandrashekar, S
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S Chandrashekar
S Chandrashekar
Srinivasan Chandrashekar
Chandrashekar, Srinivasan
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Results 1-11 of 11 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
11997Are private basic telecom projects viable in India?-Bhattacharya, Avijit ; Chandrashekar, S IIMB Management ReviewVol.9Iss.185-96p.
22019Downstream electric utility restructuring and upstream generation efficiency: productivity dynamics of Indian coal and gas based electricity generators-Sugathan, Anish ; Malghan, Deepak ; Chandrashekar, S ; Sinha, Deepak Kumar EnergyVol.178832-852p.
32001Errors in cotton forcasts andn their economic implications: can new technology help?-Chandrashekar, S ; Raj, N Gopal ; Rajan, Y S Economic and Political WeeklyVol.36Iss.383626-3632p.
42001Errors in cotton forecasts and their economic implications: can new technology help?-Chandrashekar, S ; Raj, N Gopal ; Rajan, Y S Economic and Political WeeklyVol.36Iss.383626-3632p.
52004How Contemporary are IIMs? MBA Curricula in a Globalised world-Anshuman, V Ravi ; Chandrashekar, S Economic and Political WeeklyVol.39Iss.8827-838p.
61999Impact of technical change on operating performance: evidence from Indian Industry-Chandrashekar, S IIMB Management ReviewVol.11Iss.1118-129p.
72011India and the peaceful uses of outer space-Chandrashekar, S India ReviewVol.10Iss.4440-452p.
82005Indian remote sensing program: A national system of innovation?-Dayasindhu, N ; Chandrashekar, S Technological Forecasting and Social changeVol.72Iss.3287-299p.
92003N R Mohanty: Reaching for the Sky-Chandrashekar, S ; Gupta, Subhashish ; Agrawal, Narendra M IIMB Management ReviewVol.15Iss.328-36p.
102001Technological innovation and economic development: Choices and Challenges for India-Chandrashekar, S ; Basavarajappa, K P Economic and Political WeeklyVol.36Iss.343238-3245p.
111999The origins and antecedents of the Ghauri missile: An assessment-Chandrashekar, S Current ScienceVol.76Iss.3280-285p.