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Title: Concept and image testing for water-proof coated abrasives; Grindwell Norton Ltd.
Authors: Thiagarajan, Srinivas 
Keywords: Coated water-proof abrasives;Image-testing of GNO products;Wholesale market;Retail market
Issue Date: 1993
Publisher: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Series/Report no.: PGP_SP_N3_098
Abstract: The project had two objectives. One involved concept testing in the field of coated water-proof abrasives. The other was that of image-test in. of GNO products and GNO, the company in wholistic terms and in comparative terms. It was carried out through the administration of questionnaires to wholesale dealers, retailers and garage owners. Samples were provided to a few garages and retailers for testing. Their responses wherever possible were obtained. RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: The analysis revealed that: (i) The dominant company in the Bombay region is John Oakey Mohan. (ii) 3M has made inroads into the market both in teras of awareness and usage. (iii) The critical attributes for the garages are quality, cost and / or a correlation of the two, i.e., value for- money. In addition to this, the 'imported' image of 3M has played a major role in its acceptance. (iv) Quality is defined by the life of the product, its hardness & toughness and flexibility in the same order of preference. (v) The main reason for purchase of abrasives is the company name. (vi) The garages are willing to switch over if a new product offers better quality (i.e., better life) and a compatible cost. (vii) The dealers would be willing to switch over provided the samples are tested successfully and a discernible increaS6 in demand exists. (viii) The attitude towards dry paper was positive with saving of water being the main reason for the same. A quality that is at least as good as wet waterproof paper was a condition specified by many of the garages. (ix) Machines also received a positive response, the main pre-conditions being those of near-total elimination of labour by the machine, good finish and high speed. (x) As far as mnemonics are concerned, there is no mnemonic association for any paper except 3M which is almost always called 'kaala' paper. There appears to be an association of the term 'kaala' paper with quality and with imported’. (xi) The terms of the ISO rating was considered insignificant fact that the garages would not be able In to understand, appreciate or relate to it, it would not serve any purpose for promotion. (xii) lor promotion, the most effective method seems to be the usage of the retailer network. as the retailer .in each area has a lot of influence on his customer especially as far as brand switch-over is concerned. (xiii) In terms of response towards GNO?? almost none of the garages or retailers were aware of it. Those who were, all of them being retailers, did not know about the coated abrasive range of products. (xiv) The samples distributed to the gar ales and retailers received a very poor response with near uniform plaints against the poor life of the products.
Appears in Collections:1990-1995

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