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Title: Financial accounting: A managerial perspective, 6th Edition
Authors: Narayanaswamy, R 
Keywords: Accounting;International trade;Financial management;Financial Accounting
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: PHI Learning
Abstract: This highly acclaimed text, now in its Sixth Edition, is designed as a first-level course in MBA and professional programmes. It explains how to prepare, analyze and interpret financial statements. NEW TO THIS EDITION Chapters: Chapter 7 Financial Assets, Chapter 9 Operating Liabilities, Chapter 10 Financial Liabilities and Chapter 15 Earnings Analysis and Qualitative Information. Topics: Accounting fraud and red flags, cash flow ratios, economic value added, foreign currency accounting and joint arrangements. Expanded coverage: Earnings quality, earnings management and pro forma measures. Standards: IFRS, Ind AS and Indian GAAP comparisons for key items in financial statements. Real-world cases: Amazon, Lanco, National Spot Exchange, Olympus, Suzlon, Valeant Pharmaceuticals and TCS, Toshiba. Interview: Professor Suraj Srinivasan, Harvard Business School. Pedagogical features: Application, Discussion Question, Forensic Corner, Ladder, One-minute Quiz, Quick Question, Real World and Speed Read. Examples: New examples in Chapter Vignette, Earnings Quality Analysis and Financial View. New Material and Revision: Additional and revised text and figures in almost all chapters. Learning Resources Interactive Online Study Guide available at PHI India website has solution templates, self-test questions, key ideas and chapter review slides.
ISBN: 978-8120353435
Appears in Collections:2010-2019 B

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