Browsing by Author Bhalla, Manaswini

Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
2014Art and science of rate cards in online world difference across cultures-Agarwal, Ankit ; Sheth, Rushabh Abhilash 24p.
2013Auction design: Spectrum auctions in India-Malhotra, Deepankur ; Kumar, Shruti 16p.
2014Digital advertising space: Programmatic buying and selling-Nehete, Aditi Kiran ; Nagle, Devendra 21p.
2017Essays on economic sustainability in agriculture-Haldar, Tanushree 150p.
2020Free Basics by Facebook: Breaking barriers to connectivity or an attempt to create a walled garden?-Basumatari, Mainaosri ; Girigoswami, Aveek 15p.
2016Game theoretic analysis: Dabur vs Patanjali-Dey, Koustav ; Aggarwal, Pulkit 21p.
2013Indian Premier League and the curious case of budget constraints-Purohit, Ravi 27p.
2010Indian telecom industry challenges and prospects-Saxena, Mayank ; Garg, Krati 40p.
2014Industry analysis and value chain fragmentation in mobile advertising-Srivastava, Richa ; Thakur, Siddharth Nandan 15p.
2014Industry analysis: Mobile specific advertising-Kumar, Anurag ; Chourasiya, Devashish 24p.
2022Project CHAAV: Helping hand for community healthcare workers-Jayant, Gaikwad Gaurav ; Ladniya, Bhushan Bharat 22p.
2011Quantifying online buzz and its impact on product launch-Thonzakhup, Justin ; Ginvanglian, T 58p.
2012Renewable energy outlook and France-India collaboration-Murmu, Kashinath ; Mehta, Tanul ; Meggle, Antoine ; de Bollardière, Tristan Pâris 53p.
2010Social ties and factors affecting repayment rate in microfinance groups: An empirical investigation-Shrikant ; Singh, Amarveer 27p.
2021Spectrum auctions and telecom pricing in India: from 2G to Jio-Singh, Jyotesh ; Sangoi, Shlok Neel 23p.
2012Strategic analysis of addictive goods-Shenolikar, Manasi ; Goenka, Sumedha 26p.
2021Teaching note on mergers and acquisitions-Krishna Kanth, Joga Venkata ; Shikha, Deep 19p.
2020Teaching notes: A case on dynamic pricing by Indian railways; Dynamic pricing by single seller (Monopoly)-Kumar, Abhilash ; Rao, Divyanshi 18p.
2021The dominance of Qualcomm-Kaur, Bavleen ; Ravindra, Neeraj 14p.