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Full Name
Hazra, Jishnu
Vernacular Name
Jishnu Hazra
Jishnu Hazra
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Professor Hazra’s research interests are in Sourcing and Supply Chain Management, Lean Operations and Pricing in Supply Chain. His papers have appeared in international journals such as IIE Transactions, Production & Operations Management, Computers & Operations Research and European Journal of Operations Research.
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Results 1-20 of 32 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleSub-TitleAuthor(s)Journal NameVolume NumberIssue NumberPages
12006A procurement model for electronic markets-Hazra, Jishnu ; Mahadevan, B International Journal of Services Technology And ManagementVol.7Iss.5-6475-489p.
22009A procurement model using capacity reservation-Hazra, Jishnu ; Mahadevan, B European Journal of Operational ResearchVol.193Iss.1303-316p.
32023Analysis of upstream pricing regulation and contract structure in an agriculture supply chain-Jain, Tarun ; Hazra, Jishnu ; Cheng, T.C.E. Annals of Operations ResearchVol.320Iss.185-122p.
41999Analyzing closed Kanban-controlled assembly systems by iterative aggregation-disaggregation-Hazra, Jishnu ; Paul, J Schweitzer ; Seidmann, Abraham Computers and Operations ResearchVol.26Iss.10-111015-1039p.
52020Bidding for outsourcing contracts with capacity investments and cost asymmetry-Jain, Tarun ; Hazra, Jishnu ; Cheng, T C Edwin Journal of the Operational Research SocietyVol.71Iss.121986-2012p.
62004Capacity allocation among multiple suppliers in an electronic market-Hazra, Jishnu ; Mahadevan, B ; Seshadri, Sudhi Production and Operations ManagementVol.13Iss.2161-170p.
72019Capacity allocation among suppliers in the presence of spot market-Jain, Tarun ; Hazra, Jishnu IEEE international Conference On industrial Engineering and Engineering ManagementVol.2019-December133-136p.
82020Collaboration under outcome based contracts for information technology services-Awasthy, Prakash ; Hazra, Jishnu European Journal of Operational ResearchVol.286Iss.1350-359p.
92017Dual sourcing under suppliers' capacity investments-Jain, Tarun ; Hazra, Jishnu International Journal of Production EconomicsVol.183103-115p.
102019Excess procurement strategies by a dominant buyer under constrained supply-Jain, Tarun ; Hazra, Jishnu ; Swaminathan, Jayashankar M Naval Research LogisticsVol.66Iss.3272-280p.
112019Hybrid cloud computing investment strategies-Jain, Tarun ; Hazra, Jishnu Production and Operations ManagementVol.28Iss.51272-1284p.
122020Illegal content monitoring on social platforms-Jain, Tarun ; Hazra, Jishnu ; Cheng, T C Edwin Production and Operations ManagementVol.29Iss.81837-1857p.
132006Impact of supply base heterogeneity in electronic markets-Hazra, Jishnu ; Mahadevan, B European Journal of Operational ResearchVol.174Iss.31580-1594p.
142015In-house production and sourcing competition under demand uncertainties-Jain, Tarun ; Hazra, Jishnu IFAC-PapersOnLineVol.28Iss.31411-1415p.
152021IT Outsourcing and vendor cost improvement strategies under asymmetric information-Jain, Tarun ; Hazra, Jishnu ; Cheng, T C Edwin Decision SciencesVol.52Iss.51109-1136p.
162000Managing manufacturing through supply chain integration-Hazra, Jishnu IIMB Management ReviewVol.12Iss.35p.
172023New product design decisions and free sharing of patents with rivals-Jain, Tarun ; Hazra, Jishnu ; Cheng, T.C.E. Journal of the Operational Research SocietyVol.74Iss.159-80p.
182019On-demand pricing and capacity management in cloud computing-Jain, Tarun ; Hazra, Jishnu Journal of Revenue and Pricing ManagementVol.18Iss.3228-246p.
192020Optimal regulation and sustainable product design under uncertainties-Hazra, Jishnu ; Jain, Tarun International Journal of Production EconomicsVol.2251-14p.
201996Performance evaluation of closed tree-structured assembly systems-Hazra, Jishnu ; Seidmann, Abraham IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers)Vol.28Iss.7591-599p.