Desai, Jitamitra

Full Name
Desai, Jitamitra
Vernacular Name
Jitamitra Desai
Jitamitra Desai
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Jitamitra Desai is an Associate Professor of Operations Research in the Decision Sciences (DS) group at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. My research interests are primarily in mathematical/computational decision analytics, particularly in developing large-scale (big-data) optimization algorithms and their applications, notably in aviation, transportation and location theory, energy analytics, and wireless communication networks. I also dabble in some miscellaneous OR problems arising in networks and graphs, stochastic decision analysis, and am starting to dig into some biological applications. When I am not working, you can usually find me playing tennis, drinking coffee, following the technology startup space, or just having a rollicking time being a dad :-)! Specialties: Optimization theory, algorithms and computing, with applications to select management and decision science problems!

Date issued
Results 1-4 of 4 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Sub-Title | Author(s) | Journal Name | Volume Number | Issue Number | Pages | |
1 | 2022 | A 0–1 mixed-integer program-based group-and-release strategy for solving the integrated runway scheduling and taxiway routing problem | - | Desai, Jitamitra ; Srivathsan, Sandeep ; Yu, Chuhang ; Zhang, Dong | Naval Research Logistics | Vol.69 | Iss.7 | 939-957p. |
2 | 2022 | An optimal data-splitting algorithm for aircraft sequencing on a single runway | - | Prakash, Rakesh ; Piplani, Rajesh ; Desai, Jitamitra | Annals of Operations Research | Vol.309 | Iss.2 | 587-610p. |
3 | 2021 | An optimal data-splitting algorithm for aircraft sequencing on two runways | - | Prakash, Rakesh ; Piplani, Rajesh ; Desai, Jitamitra | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | Vol.132 | AN:103403 | |
4 | 2023 | An optimization-based decision support tool for air cargo loading | - | Desai, Jitamitra ; Srivathsan, Sandeep ; Lai, Woen Yon ; Li, Liqun ; Yu, Chuhang | Computers and Industrial Engineering | Vol.175 | AN:108816 |