Madanmohan, T R

Full Name
Madanmohan, T R
Vernacular Name
T R Madanmohan
T R Madanmohan
Main Affiliation
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Date issued
Results 1-14 of 14 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Sub-Title | Author(s) | Journal Name | Volume Number | Issue Number | Pages | |
1 | 2003 | Adaptive strategies in the Indian pharmaceutical industry | - | Madanmohan, T R ; Krishnan, Rishikesha T | International journal of Technology management | Vol.25 | Iss.3-4 | 227-246p. |
2 | 2004 | Adaptive strategies of firms in high-velocity environments: The Case of B2B electronic marketplaces | - | Ganesh, Jai ; Madanmohan, T R ; Seshadri, Sudhi ; Jose, P D | Journal of Global Information Management | Vol.12 | Iss.1 | 41-59p. |
3 | 2000 | Characteristics of Indian academic research underlying industrial innovations: an empirical analysis | - | Madanmohan, T R ; Krishnan, Rishikesha T | Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research | Vol.59 | Iss.4 | 294-299p. |
4 | 2000 | Failures and coping strategies in indigenous technology capability process | - | Madanmohan, T R | Technology Analysis and Strategic Management | Vol.12 | Iss.2 | 179-192p. |
5 | 2001 | Framework for internet banking security | - | Madanmohan, T R ; Ganesh, Jai | IIMB Management Review | Vol.13 | 13p. | |
6 | 2004 | Import-led technological capability: a comparative analysis of Indian and Indonesian manufacturing firms | - | Madanmohan, T R ; Kumar, Uma ; Kumar, Vinod | Technovation | Vol.24 | Iss.12 | 979 -993p. |
7 | 2005 | Incremental technical innovations and their determinants | - | Madanmohan, T R | International Journal of Innovation Management | Vol.9 | Iss.4 | 481-510p. |
8 | 1996 | Indian Biotechnology industry: a preliminary analysis | - | Madanmohan, T R ; Balagi, G | Productivity | Vol.37 | Iss.3 | 482-485p. |
9 | 2002 | Key determinants of the mode of international technology transfer: evidence from India and Turkey | - | Madanmohan, T R ; Kumar, Vinod ; Cray, David ; Kumar, Uma | International Journalof Technology Transfer and Commercialisation | Vol.1 | Iss.1-2 | 122-145p. |
10 | 2004 | Open source reuse in commercial firms | - | Madanmohan, T R ; De, Rahul | IEEE Software | Vol.21 | Iss.6 | 62-69p. |
11 | 2005 | Role and knowledge management in online technology communities | - | Madanmohan, T R ; Navelkar, Siddhesh | International Journal of Web based communities | Vol.1 | Iss.1 | 71 - 89p. |
12 | 2005 | Successful e-marketplaces: an institutional perspective | - | Madanmohan, T R | Sadhana-Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences | Vol.30 | 431-444p. | |
13 | 1996 | Technological failures at the firm level: a study of Indian Manufacturing firms | - | Madanmohan, T R | Sri Lankan Journal of Management | Vol.1 | Iss.3 | 225-240p. |
14 | 2004 | The importance of a comprehensive adoption decision in the presence of perceived opportunities: The testresults case | - | Bagri, Pankaj ; Murty, L S ; Madanmohan, T R ; Bandi, Rajendra K | Annals of Cases on Information Technology | Vol.6 | 195-204p. |