Mishra, Sushanta Kumar

Sushanta works broadly on individual behavior in organizations such as leadership, politics, stress, and well-being.

Full Name
Mishra, Sushanta Kumar
Vernacular Name
Sushanta Kumar Mishra
Mishra, SK
S K Mishra
Sushant K Mishra
Mishra, Sushant K
Mishra, S.K.
S K Mishra
Sushant K Mishra
Mishra, Sushant K
Mishra, S.K.
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SUSHANTA KUMAR MISHRA is a Fellow of the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad. Before joining IIMB, he had served IIM Indore in different roles, including the Dean (Research), Dean (Programs), and a member of the Board of Governors. He is the President (elect) of the Indian Academy of Management. His research has appeared in the Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of World Business, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Review, Human Resource Management Journal, and other reputed journals. His paper in the International Journal of HRM received the Michael Poole Highly Commended Award for 2019.

Results 1-20 of 23 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
Issue Date | Title | Sub-Title | Author(s) | Journal Name | Volume Number | Issue Number | Pages | |
1 | 2023 | Active and passive social media usage and depression among the elderly during COVID-19: does race matter? | - | Chhatwani, Malvika ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar ; Rai, Himanshu | Behaviour and Information Technology | Vol.42 | Iss.2 | 215-226p. |
2 | 2021 | Are women from Venus? A mixed-method study determining important predictors of job pursuit intention across gender groups | - | Dutta, Debolina ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar | Equality, Diversity and Inclusion | Vol.40 | Iss.6 | 708-736p. |
3 | 2023 | Augmented employee voice and employee engagement using artificial intelligence-enabled chatbots: a field study | - | Dutta, Debolina ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar ; Tyagi, Divya | International Journal of Human Resource Management | Vol.34 | Iss.12 | 2451-2480p. |
4 | 2023 | Bots for mental health: The boundaries of human and technology agencies for enabling mental well-being within organizations | - | Dutta, Debolina ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar | Personnel Review | |||
5 | 2021 | Bridging caste divides: Middle-status ambivalence, elite closure, and lower-status social withdrawal | - | Bhardwaj, Arjun ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar ; Qureshi, Israr ; Kumar, Kunal Kamal ; Konrad, Alison M ; Seidel, Marc-David L ; Bhatt, Babita | Journal of Management Studies | Vol.58 | Iss.8 | 2111-2136p. |
6 | 2021 | Chatting with the CEO’s virtual assistant: Impact on climate for trust, fairness, employee satisfaction, and engagement | - | Dutta, Debolina ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar | AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction | Vol.13 | Iss.4 | 431-452p. |
7 | 2022 | Direct and indirect effects of beneficiary contact and supervisor support on service performance: Does perceived external prestige matter? | - | Vittal, Rangan S ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar ; Varma, Arup | British Journal of Management | Vol.0 | 1-16p. | |
8 | 2022 | Ethics in competency models: A framework towards developing ethical behaviour in organisations | - | Dutta, Debolina ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar ; Budhwar, Pawan | IIMB Management Review | Vol.34 | Iss.3 | 208-227p. |
9 | 2023 | Exploring the drivers and facets of culture in the formative stage of a public-funded R and D organisation | - | Ravisankar, J ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar ; Garg, Swapnil ; Thomas, Nobin ; Kumar, Kunal Kamal | IIMB Management Review | Vol.35 | Iss.4 | 370-381p. |
10 | 2022 | Features of technology and its linkages with turnover intention and work exhaustion among IT professionals: A multi-study investigation | - | Tomer, Gunjan ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar ; Qureshi, Israr | International Journal of Information Management | Vol.66 | AN:102518 | |
11 | 2021 | Predictors of applicant attraction among Gen-X and millennials: evidence from an emerging economy | - | Dutta, Debolina ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar | International Journal of Manpower | Vol.42 | Iss.8 | 1479-1499p. |
12 | 2022 | Psychological resilience and business survival chances: A study of small firms in the USA during COVID-19 | - | Chhatwani, Malvika ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar ; Varma, Arup ; Rai, Himanshu | Journal of Business Research | Vol.142 | 277-286p. | |
13 | 2022 | Reflection of Types of Prosocial Behavior During COVID-19 in Collectivistic Asian Countrie: India and Indonesia | - | Shukla, Shanu ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar ; Agustino, Rahmi Dian | Qualitative Health Research | Vol.32 | Iss.13 | 1993-2005p. |
14 | 2022 | Strategic response to COVID-19: how do social enterprises navigate crisis situations? | - | Sarma, Sushanta Kumar ; Kumar, Kunal Kamal ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar | Social Enterprise Journal | Vol.18 | Iss.4 | 626-642p. |
15 | 2023 | Technology is killing me!: the moderating effect of organization home-work interface on the linkage between technostress and stress at work | - | Dutta, Debolina ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar | Information Technology and People | |||
16 | 2023 | The caste-dirt conundrum: Decoding caste’s impact on dirty workers’ experiences and response to stigma | - | Tyagi, Divya ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar | Academy of Management | Vol.2023 | Iss.1 | 1-6p. |
17 | 2024 | The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale: Cross-national measurement invariance and convergent validity evidence | - | Jovanovi, Veljko ; Rudnev, Maksim ; Abdelrahman, Mohamed ; Abdul Kadir, Nor Ba'yah ; Adebayo, Damilola Fisayo ; Akaliyski, Plamen ; Alaseel, Rana ; Alkamali, Yousuf Abdulqader ; Alonso Palacio, Luz Marina ; Amin, Azzam ; Andres, Andrii ; Ansari-Moghaddam, Alireza ; Aruta, John Jamir Benzon ; Avanesyan, Hrant M. ; Ayub, Norzihan ; Bacikova-Sleskova, Maria ; Baikanova, Raushan ; Bakkar, Batoul ; Bartoluci, Sun?ica ; Benitez, David ; Bodnar, Ivanna ; Bolatov, Aidos ; Borchet, Judyta ; Bosnar, Ksenija ; Broche-Pérez, Yunier ; Buzea, Carmen ; Cassibba, Rosalinda ; Del Pilar Grazioso, Maria ; Dhakal, Sandesh ; Dimitrova, Radosveta ; Dominguez, Alejandra ; Duong, Cong Doanh ; Dutra Thome, Luciana ; Estavela, Arune Joao ; Fayankinnu, Emmanuel Abiodun ; Ferenczi, Nelli ; Fernández-Morales, Regina ; Friehs, Maria-Therese ; Gaete, Jorge ; Gharz Edine, Wassim ; Gindi, Shahar ; Giordani, Rubia Carla Formighieri ; Gjoneska, Biljana ; Godoy, Juan Carlos ; Hancheva, Camellia Doncheva ; Hapunda, Given ; Hihara, Shogo ; Islam, Md Saiful ; Janovská, Anna ; Javakhishvili, Nino ; Kabir, Russell Sarwar ; Kabunga, Amir ; Karakulak, Arzu ; Karl, Johannes Alfons ; Katovi?, Darko ; Kauyzbay, Zhumaly ; Ka?mierczak, Maria ; Khanna, Richa ; Khosla, Meetu ; Kisaakye, Peter ; Klicperova-Baker, Martina ; Kokera, Richman ; Kozina, Ana ; Krauss, Steven E. ; Landabur, Rodrigo ; Lefringhausen, Katharina ; Lewandowska-Walter, Aleksandra ; Liang, Yun-Hsia ; Lizarzaburu-Aguinaga, Danny ; López Steinmetz, Lorena Cecilia ; Makashvili, Ana ; Malik, Sadia ; Manrique-Millones, Denisse ; Martín-Carbonell, Marta ; Mattar Yunes, Maria Angela ; McGrath, Breeda ; Mechili, Enkeleint A. ; Mejía Alvarez, Marinés ; Mhizha, Samson ; Micha?ek-Kwiecie?, Justyna ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar ; Mohammadi, Mahdi ; Mohsen, Fatema ; Moreta-Herrera, Rodrigo ; Muradyan, Maria D. ; Musso, Pasquale ; Naterer, Andrej ; Nemat, Arash ; Neto, Félix ; Neto, Joana ; Okati-Aliabad, Hassan ; Orellana, Carlos Iván ; Orellana, Ligia ; Park, Joonha ; Pavlova, Iuliia ; Peralta, Eddy Alfonso ; Petrytsa, Petro ; Pilkauskaite Valickiene, Rasa ; Et Al | Psychological assessment | Vol.36 | Iss.1 | 14-29p. |
18 | 2022 | The direct and indirect effect of neuroticism on work engagement of nurses during COVID-19: A temporal analysis | - | Vachhrajani, Mit ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar ; Rai, Himanshu ; Paliwal, Amit | Frontiers in Psychology | Vol.13 | 12p. | |
19 | 2023 | The perceived vulnerability to disease scale: Cross-cultural measurement invariance and associations with fear of COVID-19 across 16 countries | - | Karakulak, Arzu ; Stogianni, Maria ; Alonso-Arbiol, Itziar ; Shukla, Shanu ; Bender, Michael ; Yeung, Victoria Wai Lan ; Jovanovic, Veljko ; Musso, Pasquale ; Scardigno, Rosa ; Scott, Riley A. ; Stuart, Jaimee ; Friehs, Maria-Therese ; Toh, Zena ; Albayrak-Aydemir, Nihan ; Arvanitis, Alexios ; Buzea, Carmen ; Mastrotheodoros, Stefanos ; Tsang, Jo-Ann ; Madeira, Filipa ; Miconi, Diana ; Pascual, Nicole Russell ; Rowatt, Wade C. ; Al-Kire, Rosemary L. ; Amar, Moty ; Aral, Tugce ; Itzchakov, Guy ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar ; Porat, Roni ; Servidio, Rocco ; Stefenel, Delia ; Tair, Ergyul ; Gkomez, Alexandros | Social and Personality Psychology Compass | Vol.17 | Iss.11 | AN:e12878 |
20 | 2021 | Unintended consequences of promotions: Importance of annual incentives for performance management systems | - | Dutta, Debolina ; Kumar, Kunal Kamal ; Mishra, Sushanta Kumar | Human Resource Management | Vol.60 | Iss.5 | 787-801p. |