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Title: Investigations into relatedness-based interestingness of association rules: a transaction-driven analysis
Authors: Shekar, B 
Natarajan, Rajesh 
Keywords: Association rules;Data mining;Information analysis;Management information systems;Data analysis;Bonding;Inspection;Data mining;Transaction processing
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: IEEE
Related Publication: Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, IRI-2006
Conference: 2006 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse & Integration: 16-18 September, 2006, Waikoloa Village, HI, USA 
Abstract: An important problem in Association Rule (AR) mining is the identification of interesting ARs. In a retail market basket context, items may be related through various relationships like mutual interaction, 'substitutability' and 'complementarity'. We define them and present a classification of these relationships. We propose 'Item-Relatedness' of an item-pair as a composite of these relationships. We then present a structural decomposition of the relatedness of an item pair, based on its co-occurring transactions, co-occurring and non co-occurring item-neighborhoods. We identify those relationships that can be discerned solely from transaction data analysis. ARs that contain unrelated or weakly related item-pairs are likely to be interesting. The structural decomposition helps in clarifying components of relatedness. We finally analyze a typical scenario that contains objects revealing various shades of relatedness. © 2006 IEEE.
ISBN: 0780397886
DOI: 10.1109/IRI.2006.252468
Appears in Collections:2000-2009

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